Happy Christmas Eve everyone!

Right - that's your lot! You now have all the windows open, and hopefully all the letters you need to come up with the answer.
If you're still a bit stuck, take a look back at the day a window was opened as I've given a few little hints and tips along the way. And then there are the original rules, explanations and excuses here.
In the spirit of Christmas generosity, I'm also going to give you a big fat hint which should help you get the final answer.
As I said in the original post, I'm looking for the name of a Christmas present a gardener would enjoy: and also the name of a genus of plants, many of which are in flower at this time of year.
So here's your clue:
I want 4 words in all
3 of which will be the name of the Christmas present.
2 of the words are the name of a well-known gardener and designer.
And it's the short version I'm after, not the long one.
Now that's quite enough clues for you all.
If you think you've got the answer, email it to sally [dot] nex [at] btinternet [dot] com. First person to email me with the correct name of both Christmas present and plant gets the prize!
If it's all just too difficult and nobody manages to guess within a week, I shall help you along a bit; and if nobody guesses it after that, I'm keeping the prize msyelf as I want it too. So there.
Happy Christmas to one and all and may all your Brussels sprouts be crunchy!
Has anybody got this? Am I the only one completely lost and everyone else is emailing you the answer? I might have got the designer...
Ps. Merry Christmas to you!
Gawd, I'm 10 letters short and no time to do any rootling around. I suspect everyone else has emailed you already and are now chortling with glee at what a dumbkopf I am!
Will check back next week when we've come back from up north.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
WV says halivmdb - I wonder if that little lot are what I need to solve this puzzle!
hope everyone had a happy Christmas!
back on the 'puter this morning (Boxing Day) to find no correct answers yet with the closest a frankly half-baked guess which got some of it right but petered out halfway through.
So - it's all to play for. You have until the New Year and I'm going off to crack a bottle of bubbly (about my 10th this Christmas) just to celebrate not having to post any more blimmin' advent calendars. I was beginning to bore even myself so goodness knows how you all stuck it out so long.
So here's to normal life resuming once more. Hic!
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