Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April flowers

This is my post for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.

Yes, I am aware I am four days late for the party. However on the morning of the 15th, I reached out for my trusty camera and discovered that while lurking at the bottom of my bag it had had a close encounter with a leaky water bottle, with disastrous consequences for all concerned.

After many howls of anguish and much prodding of unresponding buttons, I bowed to the inevitable and bought a new camera.

In the process I discovered that my old camera, which was the first thing I bought when I jacked in the day job to become a garden writer five years ago, had reduced in value from £350 to just £59.99.

How are the mighty fallen. Actually being bloody-minded and terminally uninterested in technology, I figured if it ain't broke, don't fix it (well, the camera was, but bear with me here) and so I wasn't going to change a make of camera I was perfectly happy with just because there was something newer and more modern on the market (note I didn't say necessarily 'better'; I don't have any particular need for the capacity to hot-wire pictures to my Facebook account on the move, even if I had one, which I don't).

So I have congratulated myself on my frugality and bought a camera that's exactly the same, but for around a fifth of the price of what they tell me is the equivalent these days.

(and the more up-to-date version didn't even have a viewfinder. I use my viewfinder all the time on sunny days. Why wouldn't they include a viewfinder?)

Anyway. Inconsequental rant over. The camera in question is an Olympus SP500-UZ by the way: discontinued these days therefore ridiculously good value.

So the reason for carrying on with GBBD regardless is that my garden is currently brimming over with flowers and I just couldn't let the chance go by to get out there and take pictures of them in all this gorgeous sunshine. Enjoy!

Thanks as always (if a little late this month) to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.


Beyond the Dog Dish said...

What a great slide show! Your growing season is much farther ahead then where I am. Beautiful assortment you have.

Debbie @Beyond the Dog Dish

Sara said...

A wonderful collection of blooms indeed - all things ornamental, wildflower and edible. Sad about your camera - but long live your new-old camera! And hurray for not being seduced by the dazzling new array of gadgets and gimmicks but sticking to the tried and tested.
Those broad bean flowers are stunning - and much earlier than ours! we have only just planted out our broad beans into the garden after hardening off.

hillwards said...

I can't wait to see pictures of your blue field in its stunning entirety...

VP said...

I bemoan the lack of viewfinder on cameras these days. A 2-3 inch view simply isn't enough to ensure thaings are framed properly, particularly when there's usually all kinds of info scattered around the sides. I need my entire vision filled, not some tiny scrap to squit at!

Apologies for the rant amongst your lovely flowers - it's been waiting a while for me to blurt it all out.

WV says reptorca which sounds like a strange hybrid between a dinosaur and a whale

Wally said...

Oh, I'm sorry about your camera :-( Lovely slideshow. I especially liked the euphorbia, apple and broadbean (of all things!).

Janet/Plantaliscious said...

Lovely pics with your new old camera. Like the pink cushiony thing. How fabulous to have so many bluebells.

The Constant Gardener said...

Debbie - thank you, and that puppy is beyond gorgeous....!

Sara and Mac - glad I've converted you to the delights of broad bean flowers! These were overwintered from a sowing in November, which explains why they're so far ahead.

Hillwards - I shall see if I can take a pic :D The bluebells are 'underplanted' with self-heal (Ajuga reptans) and primroses so I'm rather congratulating myself on my laziness in not getting up there with a strimmer last month!

VP - I am totally with you. It just doesn't feel right holding a camera in front of you and staring at a screen. I need to look through something. I think it's what comes of being brought up on old film cameras....

Janet - I wish I knew what the pink cushiony thing is. Never having grown pink cushiony rock plants before I'm not that familiar with them: might be an aubretia, might be some sort of saxifrage (the leaves are small), might be something completely different. I was rather proud of being able to identify snow-in-summer, which is another grandma plant in my book :D

Arabella Sock said...

I absolutely hate not having a viewfinder. I bought one of those little pocket cameras to put in my handbag so I can ensure I've always got one on me but I can't bear to use it as I feel I've got no idea of what I'm actually photographing! I expect its something you get used to but I'm much happier with my usual camera which is another one that was expensive about 4 years ago and selling for next to nothing now!

hillwards said...

That sounds picture perfect - what a wonderful meadow to inherit from the previous owners...

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