It's no good - I can't resist. Gotta show you my snow pictures.

Wisley up the road recorded 12" last night, and I think we're up to about 16-18" now. It's the most snow we've had in 18 years (which explains, to you Yanks who regularly hit the two-metre line, why we're getting so excited about it).

All the cardoon seedheads are wearing white bearskins.

Underneath here somewhere are my patio pots.

And Bob (our resident Roman Emperor) is wearing some very natty headgear.

The pond has stayed clear - just.

And as you can see, it's still snowing. Hard. Allotment Dog is not impressed, though he does keep trying to eat it (just in case, you understand) and has a good line in snow somersaults.
Woo - great snow photos! My pots looked a bit like that but I made Hubster go round and shake the snow off the leaves.
Wow - you've got loads! I've just been out to take some more shots of the garden, but they look paltry next to yours. It's still snowing though - so fingers crossed it'll be snowman depth soon :)
It's fun to watch you UK gardeners reporting on snow, especially those around London who (apparently) rarely see it. If you need more, just say the word...we have plenty to spare here in Nova Scotia.
Good grief, I thought we caught a load in London. That's a lot of snow.
Wow - it makes me (almost) wish I still live down south - for a change it missed us here in Wales.
Wonderful snow pics, glad you succumbed to sharing them with us.
An Artists Garden
My goodness you did get a lot! And apparently as light as a souffle, too, whereas what snow we had was wet, heavy and came with a nasty east wind.
Delicious pictures, especially Bob and also the Dog.
thanks all for your comments - yes we did have lovely white fluffy snow, and it's still looking pretty now and is still quite deep, though we're having regular 'flumps' as it drops off trees and rooftops in the sunshine. Rumour has it there's more on the way tomorrow though...
Jodi - I'm amazed you were the only Canadian/Swiss person/Scandinavian to drop by and scoff heartily. Unless there were a lot more who are still so helpless with laughter they can't manage a comment, of course. All I can say is - it's one of those British lunacies that makes us all so loveable.
Even by Chicago standards, 18" at one time is a lot of snow. To put it another way, you know you have a lot of snow when you have to shovel a path for your large dog. My Borzoi used to eat the snow, so it doesn't surprise me that your dog might want to sample it. (She's come in with a small mound of snow on the end of her snoot and snowballs between her toe pads.)
oh yes, the snowballs - forgot to mention them, Allotment Dog returned from his morning walk with his entire tummy covered in big white snowballs. They were wedged on there pretty tight - we had to pull them off for him. And they were between his toes too. Looked most uncomfortable. That's what comes of having fringes on your nether regions!
Nothing like as much in the north west. Bob looks as if he is wearing a bearskin atop his head :)
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